
    Submission Forms for Mid-Atlantic DanceNet & DCDanceNet
Event Calendar Announcements
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Partner Affiliates

The Mid-Atlantic DanceNet and the DCDanceNet
maintain a number of excellent Mid-Atlantic Area Event Calendars and Announcement Pages for USERS to submit events using the appropriate submission form below.

Announcements of Partner Dance Events where the people attending are expected to dance -- may be posted on the appropriate DanceNet Website Calendars. using the forms listed below.

These are FREE, Self Service Web Page Event Announcements.
Please use the appropriate form/calendar selection for the Event Category
Excessive space, inappropriate data and events posted to the wrong calendar will be deleted.

Submission Forms
for posting to Event Calendars and
other Web Pages
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Partner Affiliates
DancePartner.com MyDancePartner.com

Please, Please, use the appropriate form that describes your Activity.
The DanceNet publishes several Calendars to reduce page size for faster loading and to categorize Events for the convenience of your audience

Classes, Workshops
Camps, Cruises, Vacations
DanceNews eMail Updates
Other Information Pages
Dancers, Organizers, Promoters, Studios, Instructors, Venue
are invited to Add links to the Appropriate, Calendars, link pages, various places to submit data in this list of user accessible pages and submission forms.
Many Pages with Post Data Submission Forms also have self service add a link submission features.

Post Events Forms

  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Special Events lists "Special" one-time & infrequently scheduled dancing "Party" Events.

  • Mid-AtlanticDanceNet's Special Events lists "Special" one-time & infrequently scheduled dancing "Party" Events.

  •     Please DO NOT use the Special Events forms for Classes and Workshops
    Various Classes and Workshop Calendars are listed below.

  • DCSwingNet's Swing, Lindy Hop, Shag, Hustle, D.C. Hand Dancing   Swing "Party" Type Events.

  •     Workshops are posted on the Swing Workshops Form.
    Please use the other forms for Classes and Comps, Workshops
    Add Links to the Swing Page

  • DanceNet's Hustle Calendars

  •     Local, Mid-Atlantic Area, Special Events, and Regular Events - Hustle National Events
    Add Links to the Hustle Page

  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Recurring Dance Party Events  Regularly Scheduled, Continuing Events,

  •     Usually "Party" type events, Please do not use for Classes & Workshops

  • DCSwingNet's Recurring Dance Party Events  Regularly Scheduled, Continuing Events,

  •     Usually "Party" type events, Please do not use for Classes & Workshops

  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Band Regular Events Regularly Scheduled, Continuing Band Events

  •     Add Links to the Bands Page

  • Central Virginia Dance News Post ANY Special Dance Event in the Central VA Area
  • Central Virginia Dance Classes All Styles, Post ANY Dance Class in the Central VA Area

  • Salsa Calendar Post Special Events, Post Recurring Events,
        Salsa Calendar Post Places to Dance, Post Classes
         Add Links to the Salsa Page

  • TAP DANCE   Post Events, Post Performances, Post Classes
         Add Links to the Tap Page

  • Tango Post Special Events, Post Classes
         Add Links to the Tango Page

  • Pat Sullivan's Where to Go Dancing Add a new Link Form on the "Where to Dance" Page

  • Pat Sullivan's National Ballroom Dance Week September
        Post ALL the events occurring in September to Promote Dancing

  • Concerts, Performances, Dance Programs on TV
        Non Dance Party Events, TV Programs, Schedule listings.

  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Holiday Events Calendar Late November, and December Holiday Theme Events

  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's New Year's Eve Calendar NYE Theme Events

  • Classes, Workshops
  • All Styles Dance Classes -- Post All Styles of Dance Classes that are not already on a Web Site

  • Tap Dance Classes Post Tap Classes here AND ALSO, post to the All Styles Classes Page.

  • Tango Classes Post Tango Classes here AND ALSO, post to the All Styles Classes Page

  • Salsa Classes  Post Salsa Classes here, AND ALSO, post to the All Styles Classes Page.

  • DanceNet's Seminars- Workshops is a comprehensive, all styles, listing of Dance Workshops.

    Dance Camps, Cruises and Vacations
  • Ballroom, and Swing, Major Country Dance Camps, National Calendar of Events

  • Competitions
  • Pat Sullivan's Dance Competitions, All Styles, Amateur Only, Pro-Am and Professional Comps

  •     National Calendar of Events Includes Ballroom, Swing, Hustle.

    The Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates
  • Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates; Published 3 days a week posting Announcements of Special Events,
      Classes, Workshops, Competitions, Studio News, Regular Events, Shopping, Camps Vacations, Cruises Monday and Wednesday for the current week and Friday adding the accumulated Events for the Next Week in the Mid Atlantic Area

  • Other Information Submission Form Pages: Coach's Corner, Rental Space, Where to Go Dancing, Directions

  • Visits