Affiliated Web Sites
Submit Special Dance Party Events
Events posted on this Special DANCE PARTY Events Calendar MUST offer a Dance Party. Other features may be Concerts, Shows, Performances, Workshops, Singles activites, etc.
A Feature MUST BE the "Open" Dancing for the Patrons.
Otherwise Event Submissions will be deleted.
Concerts, Regular Events and Class or Work Shops can ALSO be posted on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Other Calendars which have their own direct post submission Forms.
The VERY BEST way to Edit your notice is to RE-POST the ENTIRE notice and notify the Specialevents Editor to delete the old notice, specifying which to delete. Editing the data base is difficult after posting and is much too time consuming Deleting an entire anouncement is not a problem
Please submit only after you have edited your entry. Users cannot edit after submission.
1. Contact Name
2. Contact eMail

1. Your Name

anywhere in this field
2. Enter Your eMail Address here: Post the Event eMail address below
These dates are required for Server sorting
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Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Partner BB Affiliates
Event Contact Points:
Event  eMail address
Event   info phone
Additional Event  Phone

Event   Sponsor
Event Web Site, (url):
When the http:// prefix is used, the link will be active - "clikable" on the Calendar Page
Event FaceBook Page (actual link):
You REALLY MUST  type or paste the https:// before the www making the FaceBook link clickable on the DanceNet Calendar
Event Date and Title
example: April 30 - Washington International Standard Ballroom Night
Calculate Characters   Event Description limited to 1500 characters:
The Event Description
is limited to max 1500 characters.
As this Calendar is for BRIEF Event Announcements, the details, menus, directions, bio's dance figure details, music history, etc. belong on the Event Website
When Submitting

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Just click ONCE      It REALLY only needs ONE click.

  ON THE NEXT SCREEN, Post the Event on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates.
* Venues/Coaches should check opportunities for Free Listings on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Web Pages

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