Post Dance Classes to Donna Arehart's
Central Virginia Dance News Web Site

Class Title/Heading: 
If this is an OnGoing Class, check the button at far right.
AND select ONGOING on all of the Start and End Date menus
If this is a single SERIES or short-term Class, check button at right edge.
If this is an ONGOING Class, Offered in SERIES Format, check the button at right
You Must Select the Day Your Class is Held.
You Must Fill in the Event's:                        Start Time:    and the End Time:
Where there are multiple classes enter the initial class start time and the last end time,
then list each class start and end time in the Class Description field.
You MUST Select a Start Date of the Class Session,
Select ONGOING when it's already Ongoing

You MUST Select an End Date for all Sessions,
ONGOING Classes Select END Date to re-submit the entry
Select Class Duration and # of Classes for Series Classes
Select OnGoing on each menu when that's the case
Select Whether "Drop In" is OK or Not OK, What conditions apply, etc.            

YOUR Name:    Your Name and Your eMail Fields DO NOT appear on the Classes page.
YOUR eMail:  This contact is   Just _IN CASE_  it's necessary to contact you.
Event eMail:  Enter Event eMail address   _EVEN IF_  it's the same as Yours.
Humor us and fill it in anyway, to pacify the server, thanks.
Event Phone:     Event Sponsor:  
Event Web Site: 
You MUST include the http:// prefix for the URL to be an active link which will connect to your Site from the Classes Calendar
.Enter the Name of the Class Venue:   (Enter the Venue Address in the field after the Class Text.):

Class Description:  1000 Character limit, Please. Thank You

Venue Address:

     EDIT before you submit;   EDIT before you submit;
There is NO ability to edit after posting.