Contact Name/eMail |
Your Name |
Your eMail Address: (Post the Event eMail address below) |
Dates are Required
Event Start:
Event End:
Event Contact Points:
Event eMail address |
Event info phone |
Event Sponsor
Event Web Site url, (link): |
The http:// characters REALLY MUST appear before the www to make the Event Link clickable on the Calendar
Event FaceBook Page (actual link): |
Please enter the FaceBook Page Link here. Enter none if there isn't a FaceBook Page
You REALLY MUST type or paste the https:// before the www making the FaceBook link clickable on the DanceNet Calendar |
Event Date and Title
Enter the Special Event Date and Title in these Fields
date and title example: April 30 - Washington International Standard Ballroom Night
OR: March 25-28, Washington Latin Studio Workshops with Retired Ex-Champions
The Event Description |
The Event Description
is limited to a 1500 character
maximum - As this Calendar is
intended to be a Listing of Event Announcements,
the details, menus, directions, bio's, achievements awards,
dance figure details, music history, etc.
belong on the Event's website |
When Submitting |
PLEASE REFRESH The Calendar Page in YOUR Browser
in order to see the that the Event _IS_ Posted to the Calendar.
Post the Event on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates.
* Venues/Coaches should Check opportunities for Free Listings on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Web Pages