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Special and Recurring Dance Events
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Partner Affiliates
Events posted The CVADanceNews All Styles Special and Recurring Events Calendars MUST include the opportunity of Dancing in the Admission. Other features of an Event posted to the Events Calendars may be workshops, classes, lessons, concerts, shows, singles events, etc., but a Feature must be Dancing for the participants.
Events with NO Dance Party may be posted to the Other Calendars but will be deleted from the Special And Regular Dance Events Calendar. Workshop submissions must be "Special" one day or weekend "Events". Event lessons/classes and recurring lessons and classes that are merely called workshops belong on the CLASSES Page and will be deleted from the Special Workshops Calendar.
All These Events may also be posted to the Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Event Calendars AND to the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews' eMail Updates. Single Series Classes or On Going Classes should be be posted on the CVADanceNews Classes Calendars on the Self Service Submission Form.

If editing is required, The VERY BEST way to Edit your notice is to RE-POST the ENTIRE notice and notify the Editor of the page to delete the old notice, specifying which to delete. Editing the data base is difficult after posting and there are so many errors. Deleting all the notices with errors along with the old announcements is the maintenance procedure on these FREE calendars.
1. Contact Name
2. Contact eMail

1. Your Name

anywhere in this field
2. Enter Your eMail Address here: Post the Event eMail address below
Select the Calendar
Special Events Calendar
Regular Events Calendar
Recurring Events MAY also be posted to the Special Events Calendar. Consult the Red Text above the SUBMIT button.
If appropriate, return here, click Special Events Calendar select the dates and submit again.
Day of the Event:
if it's twice a month, enter it on the 2nd & 4th or 3rd, & 5th etc.

Recurring Events are Posted to a Specific Day
of the week on the Recurring Events Calendar
So, FIRST Select the Day of the Week

Then select the Frequency or select which week of the month the event occurs on the Recurring Events Calendar

Select the Start Date ONLY
for NEW Recurring Events
OR for announcements such as New Venue; a New Date; a New Format, Event being Re Started
Select Dates For
SPECIAL Events, or
The Initial Event of a RECURRING Event Series
Special Events, one time or infrequent Events are sorted in
Event Start: DancePartner.com DATE order on the Special Events Calendar, Date MUST be selected
Event End:
Event Contact Points:
Event  eMail address
Event   info phone
Additional Event  Phone

Event   Sponsor

Event Web Site, (url):

You REALLY MUST include the http:// before the www to make the link clickable on the Calendar
Event FaceBook Page (actual link):
You REALLY MUST  type or paste the https:// before the www making the FaceBook link clickable on the DanceNet Calendar
Special Event
Date and Title
Special Event Date and Title in this Field.
example: April 30 - Washington International Standard Ballroom Night

Regular Event
Title Only
Recurringl Event Title Only in this Field.
example: Washington International Standard Practice Sessions

Event Description limited to 1750 characters:  
The Event Description
is limited to 1750 characters maximum - -
As this Calendar is intended to be a Listing of BRIEF Event Announcements,
the details, menus, directions, bio's dance figure details, music history, etc. belong on the Event website
SUBMIT to another Calendar only
Consult text at right
Please submit the Event EITHER as a Special, one time or infrequently scheduled event or as a Recurring Event.  _IF_ The Event is a SPECIAL edition of a Regular Event, then it's OK to Post the Event to the Special Events Calendar.  _IF_ The Event is the Initial Event in a Recurring Event Series, PLEASE also Post the Event to the Special Events Calendar. Submit as a Recurring Event, then return to the form to Select the Special Events button and the dates in order to submi as a Special Event.
Special Events  
Recurring Events  
  * Venues/Coaches should Check opportunities for Free Listings on DCDanceNet's Web Pages
Today's Date: