This list of competitions is updated as information is made available. Organizers desiring their event to be listed or updated should use the NEW ON-LINE FORM.
When Editing is required, YOU should re-post your event and request the old post be deleted to make changes immediately. Those that re-post and that fail to notify the Competitions Editor to delete old notices risk having the wrong notice removed at the next editing session. Contact the Competitions Editor for deletions, other corrections and additions.
Please note that although this page is being edited regularly, some of the data may not be up to date. You know what to do. The contact info is there. We thank you for your patience.
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Add Events to the Competition Calendar's August Monthly Calendar Listings of DanceSport, Ballroom and Swing Competitions
07/31/2024 - Florida State Dancesport Sarasota - Florida
07/31/2024 - Empire Open Dance Festival Jersey City - NJ
08/03/2024 - San Antonio Dancesport Classic San Antonio - TX
08/08/2024 - Heart Of America Champs Kansas City - Missouri
08/08/2024 - Swing Fling Washington Area - Washington, DC
08/10/2024 - BYU Summer Dancesport Challenge Provo - Utah
08/10/2024 - Great Gatsby Gala DanceSport Championships San Diego - CA
08/10/2024 - Greenville Dance Challenge Greenville - SC
08/10/2024 - Fantasy Ball DanceSport Competition Web - Facebook Virginia Beach - VA
08/10/2024 - Tasmanian Open DanceSport Championshios Web - Facebook Launceston - Tasmania
08/13/2024 - German Open Championships Web - Facebook Stuttgart - Germany
08/15/2021 - Bourbon Street Ball New Orleans - LA
08/15/2024 - CBC Dancesport Cincinnati - OH
08/15/2024 - Boca Ballroom DanceSport Competition Boca Raton - Fl
08/15/2024 - WDSF GRANDSLAM Adult Ballroom Web - Facebook Stuttgart - Germany
08/16/2023 - NV Ball DanceSport Championships Las Vegas - Nevada
08/16/2024 - South American Open Buenos Aires - Argentina
08/16/2024 - WDSF GRANDSLAM Adult Latin Web - Facebook Stuttgart - Germany
08/20/2024 - Capital Dancesport Championships Washington DC/Alexandria VA
08/22/2024 - International Latin Hustle Festival Web - Facebook Miami - FL
08/23/2024 - Canadian National Championships Web - Facebook Gatineau - QC
08/24/2022 - World Salsa Summit Dance Competition - NEW DATE Web - Facebook Miami - FL
08/24/2022 - Texas Open Dance Championships Web - Facebook Houston - TX
08/25/2024 - Kuala Lumpur City International Dance Championships Web - Facebook Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
08/26/2023 - Nordic Open Dance Competition Web - Facebook Copenhagen - Denmark
08/28/2022 - North Carolina Classic Charlotte - NC
08/28/2022 - Magic DanceSport Competition Web - Facebook Orlando - FL
08/28/2024 - Embassy Ball Dance Sport Championship Costa Mesa - CA
08/28/2024 - World Pro Rhythm Dance Championship ® Costa Mesa - CA
08/28/2024 - World Pro Smooth Dance Championship ® Costa Mesa - CA
08/28/2024 - World Pro/Am Dance Championships ® Costa Mesa - CA
08/28/2024 - WDC World Professional Latin Championship ® Web - Facebook Costa Mesa - CA
08/31/2024 - Hradec Králové Open Web - Facebook Hradec Králové, - Czech Republic
Months at a Glance:
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