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Advertising on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet
Revised Rate Card Effective July 1, 2011
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Website and
Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates combination is the best comprehensive on-line source of information in Metro Washington DC, Metro, Baltimore, DelMarVa, N. VA, Charlottesville, Richmond, S. Central PA ........and the USA
Why Advertise on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet?
 | For fast, easy, and secure Internet payments |
It's easy for Dancers to Subscribe to the Free Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates, posting frequent notices of events and invitations for subscribers to view, studio calendars, updated Sponsor Web Sites, further information on announcements and ads on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Web Site
The DanceNet is designed for your customers to easily find you. Mid-Atlantic DanceNet is registered with all of the major Web Search engines, so when Dancers search the Web for Dancing, they find Mid-Atlantic DanceNet.
- The Rates: for Advertising in the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates are outlined below. (Scroll down a bit)
For ads booked on or after July 1, 2011:
- How: Simply type up your announcement on your eMail message screen exactly as you wish it to appear, so that we can copy n' paste it DIRECTLY to the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews.
Then eMail the message to: Mid-Atlantic DanceNews
- OR
- Make Checks payable to:
- Or Use PayPal:
M. W. Gordon
sNail to:
Attn: M. W. Gordon
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet
PO Box 87391
Montgomery Village, MD 20886 |
Mid-Atlantic DanceNet encourages you to use the PayPal system.
PayPal is fast, free and secure! The system is useful to pay anything where there is an eMail address - all with the click of a mouse, (and it would be useful for you in receiving payment from your clientele, especially when advance registration is desirable/required for events.
Standard Announcement: FREE!
Just send your notice typed or pasted directly on your eMail msg. screen to
Mid-Atlantic DanceNews and we'll post it... as many as 4 times! Friday the week before the event, Monday the Week of, Wednesday and on the Weekend Wrap. We MAY edit for space or other reasons.
The rates below for Advertising in the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates apply to ads booked on or after July 1, 2011.
Rates to Advertise on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's
Mid-Atlantic DanceNews
eMail Updates |
Guidelines for Submitting
free & paid notices
- Sponsoring the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews
with a banner header at the Top of Mid-Atlantic DanceNews eMail Updates is $100 per month.
To assure all Sponsors the full promotional impact of their ad, there is only ONE Sponsor Banner monthly.
Reservations are noted, payment due First Day of the preceding month, otherwise the first check in the mailbox secures the upcoming month. Indications of interest are noted for tickler file follow up and promises are generally directed toward the hope chest.
- Sponsors of the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews may place a small Ad following the Sponsorship Banner providing the very best exposure to 4000+ Dancers 3 days weekly for that month. (Changes of copy are NOT contemplated at these rates.)
- Web Site Sponsors may place a "Standing" Ad in the body of the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews,
@$45 per month.
- Discount rate for Sponsors: 3 months for $120; 12 months for $450.
- Advertisers who are not Sponsors are offered "Standing" Ads
in the body of the Mid-Atlantic DanceNews @$50 per month.
- Discount rate for non-Sponsors: 3 months for $135; 12 months for $500.
- Contact Advertising to take advantage of these savings.
- Other "Standing Ads"
- The Featured Ad slots are $65 per month for Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Web Site Sponsors, $75 for others.
- The First Featured Ad Slot, following the Sponsor Banner and Sponsor's Ad is $85, $70 for Sponsors.
- Discounts for 3 month purchases:
- Featured Ad slots: $200; $165 for Sponsors
- The First Featured Ad Slot: $225; $190 for Sponsors
Advertise on
The Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Web Site
- Standard Listing and Linking: FREE!
- YOU can place page links on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Website for FREE.
(See the ADDLINKS page.)
- Sponsor the Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Website: $240 Annually
Whether a Home Page or Website is hosted by Mid-Atlantic DanceNet, you can be a Sponsor and be listed as a "Featured Site". Your sponsor icon (See samples & left) will be placed on Mid-Atlantic DanceNet's Gateway Page and Information Content pages. The icon can be a direct "hot link" to your own Website. Some "extra attention" on the Mid-Atlantic Dance News eMail Updates is included especially regarding your Website Updates.
Display Ad Rates On Web Site "Content" Pages
- Place Display Ads to Advertise Your Special Event, Product or Service On Indiviual Web Site "Information Content" Pages.
- Variable Rates: Please refer to the table below.
- Reach all the right dancers by marketing your event, product or service on the Mid-Atlantic DanceNet Pages your clientele visits most.
For Text only box ads on the Shopping page:
In a Merchandize Section with only 1 Merchant's ad in one of the 5 columns:
$10/mo, or $100 for 12 months, Pd in Adv.
The double col ads, one merchant taking 2 entire columns or 1/2 half of 2 adjacent columns:
$17.50/mo or $175 for 12 months, PIA
A 3 column ad, one merchant taking 3 entire columns or 1/2 half of 3 adjacent columns:
$25/mo or $250 for 12 months, PIA
A 4 column ad, one merchant taking 4 entire columns or 1/2 half of 4 adjacent columns:
$32.50/mo or $325 for 12 months, PIA
A half column ad, (2 Merchant ads per col) rates are $7.50/mo or $75 for 12 mo. PIA
An entire 5 column "row" would be $37.50/mo or $375 for 12 months, PIA
Add an image, regular or animated to your ad for $5 per month or $50 PIA
Icon Samples